Handmade Jeweller Box

Handmade Jeweller BoxHandmade Jeweller BoxHandmade Jeweller BoxHandmade Jeweller Box
1 Available

Total views: 1871

Listed on Mar 23, 2018 04.13.11 PM
Updated at Mar 28, 2018 07.46.02 PM

A beautiful jeweller with a pull-out system lid, 100% handmade using chipboard.

An old forged metal effect gives an amazing look to it looking like real metal.

A big wooden dragonfly with multicolour glitter and some paper flowers decorates the top of the lid. Some rhinestones are glued to the lid sides all the way around it.

I'm always trying to give my crafts a very good finish. 

The dimensions of this box are 6" x 4" / 10 cm x 15 cm

There are four silver beads at the base of the jeweller as its legs.

The front side of this fantastic jeweller has the words WISHES

Please contact me if you need more info about my products, thanks!

I'm making different styles at the moment and they will be displayed in my shop shortly.

Keep checking for new handcrafted products.