Gift Set of handmade Candle & Box

Gift Set of handmade Candle & BoxGift Set of handmade Candle & BoxGift Set of handmade Candle & BoxGift Set of handmade Candle & BoxGift Set of handmade Candle & Box
1 Available

Total views: 1740

Listed on Mar 24, 2018 05.36.24 PM
Updated at Mar 28, 2018 07.46.02 PM

Now at Macandlesuk, you can have your candles with matching handcrafted jewellers.

I can make any design that is in my shop and in 4 different shapes: Hexagon, square, rectangle and triangle, all of them with lids.

They are made using chipboard, acrylic paint, decorated with decoupage technique and embellishments.

The candle is a 30 cl. / 10.56 Oz

Please inbox me with the desired fragrance

Bay Rum
Hibiscus & Sea Breeze
Coconut & Lime
Champagne & Roses
Angel Perfume
Cherry Brandy 
Lemon & Lime
Sugared Almond
Apple Candy 
Clean Cotton 

I'm making different styles at the moment and they will be displayed in my shop shortly.

Keep checking for new handcrafted products.