Telling Time Picture Exercises PDF Educational Worksheets 3 Variations

Telling Time Picture Exercises PDF Educational Worksheets 3 VariationsTelling Time Picture Exercises PDF Educational Worksheets 3 VariationsTelling Time Picture Exercises PDF Educational Worksheets 3 VariationsTelling Time Picture Exercises PDF Educational Worksheets 3 Variations
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Listed on Feb 3, 2022 13:07

Telling Time Picture Exercises PDF Work Sheets Educational Worksheets

Three different sets of exercises to help students learn how to tell time.

The first e-book is the Time Telling exercises. On each page, there are 12 pictures of clocks set to a certain time. The student will write down the time of each clock in the square below each clock image (see images). This e-book consists of 100 exercises total, twelve exercises per page. The e-book is a total of 18 pages long - nine pages of exercises and nine pages of answer keys. 

The second e-book consists of Time Conversions. For the time conversions, you have the student convert the given measures of time to alternate measures of time. There are fifty exercises total. The time conversions e-book is eight pages long - four exercise sheets and four answer key sheets.

The BONUS e-Book consists of Time Passages. This e-Book is designed to help students learn how to determine the passages of time. For each exercise, there are two clocks. One shows a specific time, the other is void of a time setting. Underneath the two clocks will be an amount of time the student will use to fill in the clock hands of the empty clock. Please see the images for specific examples. This e-book consists of 48 exercises total, eight exercises per page. The e-book is a total of 12 pages long - six pages of exercises and six pages of answer keys.

After the exercise pages in each e-book, you have all the answer keys for easy, quick reference. Use your PDF Reader's bookmarks to navigate the e-book. To print just one page, simply pick the page you'd like to print, and print! Most PDF readers have the option to "Print Current Page" so you can get just one page at a time. 

All of the exercises are in plain black and white to save on printer ink. On the answer key pages, the answers are in a maroon color.

These are budget friendly and Eco-friendly! You can use these exercises over and over again for as many students as you wish. You are free to print as many as you want and distribute as you please. The only thing you cannot do is re-sell the PDF file.

As soon as your payment is processed, you will receive a link to download all three Time Telling work books.  

The workbooks and answer keys are contained in a zip file. Simply download, open and place on your computer, make a back up copy and you'll have a never-ending supply of educational time exercises. You can print and use these over and over again! Great for the home schooling, school teachers and even senior activities.

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