Quiet book - The Animal Book

Quiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal BookQuiet book - The Animal Book
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Listed on Mar 1, 2018 21:55
Updated at Mar 1, 2018 21:58

This is The Animal Book, beautiful and colourful this book includes:

Hi, My Name is...; choose the colour of the background between blue, pink or green then write the name of your little one, Dots; will come with 2 random colours, O&X’s,

Mix & Match; comes with 4 animals from the jungle, a panda, an elephant, a monkey and a lion. 

And The Shapes Game.

Made to order

Shop owner
Emilie C.