Purse fanny for cell phone, tablet, etc

Purse fanny for cell phone, tablet, etcPurse fanny for cell phone, tablet, etcPurse fanny for cell phone, tablet, etc
1 Available

Total views: 2609

Listed on Nov 15, 2016 09:51
Updated at Nov 15, 2016 10:35

Very functional, pratical and cute. You just slide in your phone etc. Sewed to be used around your waist with or without belt, or to hang around your main purse strap, or accross your body with a belt, or just hang around your forearm.
The price will vary from $30 up. It will depend on size, fabric, style, pockets, and applied binding, ziper, pressure button, etc
It has 2 divisions for tablets, cell, money, etc.
This purse is so cute, sassy that you will be afraid to use it.
Made for man too, in blue jeans, felt etc, caring for the mainly style.

Shop owner
Lisa Adorns