Pictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational Worksheets

Pictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational WorksheetsPictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational WorksheetsPictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational WorksheetsPictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational Worksheets
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Listed on Feb 3, 2022 13:27

Pictorial Addition Exercises 120 Basic Math Printable PDF Educational Worksheets  

Pictorial addition exercises are great exercise sets for students just learning to add. Pictures of items are used to represent the two addends in an equation. The student adds the two groups of items to come up with the answer. 

The puzzles work through numbers 1 to 20, with no equation total going over 20.

The answer keys are included at the end of the PDF e-book. Use your bookmarks to navigate the pages. There are twelve pages of exercises, with ten exercises per page.

PDF files are great because first, they are Eco-friendly, and second, you can use the pages over and over again! The pages print in black and white, so they're easy on your printer ink.

These exercises are great for home schooling parents, teachers and anyone who enjoys puzzles. The use of pictures adds a bit of fun to the learning process!

Upon completetion of your payment, you will be given a link to download the pictorial addition exercises in one small PDF file.

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