Mushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On Fungi

Mushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On FungiMushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On FungiMushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On FungiMushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On FungiMushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On FungiMushroom With Beetle Ornament Decoration Nature Mushie Mushrooms Wildlife On Fungi
1 Available

Total views: 733

Listed on Apr 29, 2019 21:57



Made with: Geode Crystal, Fimo Polymer clay, cardboard base & scenery grass



( Height: 3.3cm ) (Length: 2.5cm by 2.3cm )

Base: ( 5.3cm by 5cm)



Standard Postage (:



Your Crystalised Mushroom will come inside a gift bag & wrapped in tissue paper for comfort, 
along with a scroll thanking you for your purchase x





Facebook:    Midnight Hoots  &  Midnight Hoots Photography


..Inspired By Nature..