Mobile phone case iphone6 size felt soft smart phone case Brown/yellow, Owl on a branch

Mobile phone case iphone6 size felt soft smart phone case Brown/yellow, Owl on a branchMobile phone case iphone6 size felt soft smart phone case Brown/yellow, Owl on a branchMobile phone case iphone6 size felt soft smart phone case Brown/yellow, Owl on a branchMobile phone case iphone6 size felt soft smart phone case Brown/yellow, Owl on a branch
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Listed on Oct 31, 2018 17:27

Mobile phone case - iphone6 size
Felt soft smart phone case 
Brown/yellow, Owl on a branch

Handmade soft case for mobile phones of size iphone6 
Embellished on both sides
Velcro closing

Dimensions: 15x8x1 cm

Materials:Felt, Beads, cotton embroidery thread, felt lining,

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Woodland Dreams
Woodland Dreams