Macrame and Sea Shell Hair Barrette

Macrame and Sea Shell Hair BarretteMacrame and Sea Shell Hair BarretteMacrame and Sea Shell Hair BarretteMacrame and Sea Shell Hair BarretteMacrame and Sea Shell Hair BarretteMacrame and Sea Shell Hair Barrette
1 Available

Total views: 1485

Listed on May 4, 2021 18:15

Handmade hair barrette with sea shells.  Would make beautiful accessories for bride, bridesmaid or flower girl. 
Great for everyday wear too. 
The barrette has a white ribbon with a dark blue macrame design I created and I added hand picked sea shells. 
Barrette is 3 inch / 80mm.
Made with sea shells found on beaches between Texas and Louisiana; each shell is one of a kind. 
All shells have been thoroughly cleaned / sanitized.
I never take shells with living creatures from beaches.

Lieana Colbert
Lieana Colbert
Shop owner