Origami Tutorial: Lilies Family: 5&6-petal Lilies (Hyo Ahn) (w. BTS)|折纸教程:百合花家族:五瓣和六瓣的百合花各两款(附彩蛋)

Origami Tutorial: Lilies Family: 5&6-petal Lilies (Hyo Ahn) (w. BTS)|折纸教程:百合花家族:五瓣和六瓣的百合花各两款(附彩蛋)
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Origami Tutorial: 6-petal Lilies (Designed by Hyo Ahn) My Paper: 6-petal Lily  ... : two pieces of equilateral triangular paper (MUJI) 6-petal Lily  ... : Regular Hexagon (Letter Sized Paper) Two 5-petal Lilies: Regular Pentagon (MUJI) ***Go to this video f

Tutorial  Origami  Tuto  Pet  

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