Crochet Bunnies

Crochet BunniesCrochet BunniesCrochet BunniesCrochet BunniesCrochet Bunnies
1 Available

Total views: 1847

Listed on Mar 24, 2018 01:51

Crochet, handmade bunny toy 
Made to order 
 pm me both colour  and if you'd like the bunny to be a boy or a girl and I'll make it for you ! 
They are roughly 43 cm long. 
Great present for a baby shower , birthday or Christmas for those little ones in your life ! 

Yarn used is 45% cotton , 15% silk and 40% acryl 
Doesn't shed so suitable for babies and children 
Durable and washable 

Bunnies take up to 10 working days to complete

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