Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Replicas

Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card ReplicasCardcaptor Sakura Clear Card ReplicasCardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Replicas
10 Available

Total views: 2211

Listed on Mar 28, 2018 20:41

Please note: Listing is for a Single Card! 

Force without Master, Head the call of my Staff of Dreams and become my Power! SECURE!

On offer today I have these beautiful hand made replicas of Sakuras clear cards from the Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc.

Each card has been designed by myself using 720p screen caps as referance which is then printed on high quality card stock  and laminated to  create a clear card as close in appearance to that of the Anime.

 Each card is one sides and measures aprox 7" x 3" (measured on my set of Clow cards from the 90s) 

I will be making and listing a new card each week, and updating this listing with the new one

Cards available at the moment are: Gale Siege, Aqua, Reflect, Action, Gravitation, Flight, Spiral, Record, Lucid, Snooze, Labyrinth, Reverse, Hail & the back

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