Knitting loom

LOOM KNITTING Slouchy Hat with Flap-Over Brim

LOOM KNITTING Slouchy Hat with Flap-Over Brim

Learn to make a Flap-Over brim, the chain cast-on, u-wrap knit stitch , the purl stitch, the simple

2356   188.6K
Snake Scarf: Addi Express, Crochet, Knit or Loom Knit!

Snake Scarf: Addi Express, Crochet, Knit or Loom Knit!

Here's a simple Snake Scarf that translates well to any yarn craft! Addi Express crank knitter is used

154   13.4K
Right Twist, Left Twist (Loom Knitting)

Right Twist, Left Twist (Loom Knitting)

This video will show you how to do the left and right twist on the knitting loom, also called the mock

Loom Knit Decrease slip slip purl SSP & YO, SSP

Loom Knit Decrease slip slip purl SSP & YO, SSP

Learn how to loom knit the slip slip purl (SSP) or a yarn over slip slip purl (YO, SSP) on a knitting

72   4.2K
How to Loom Knit a Hat in Seed Stitch (DIY Tutorial)

How to Loom Knit a Hat in Seed Stitch (DIY Tutorial)

MORE VIDEO TUTORIALS HERE:  ...  This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to loom knit a hat

2331   217.3K
LOOM KNIT HAT - The Slub Yarn Slouchy

LOOM KNIT HAT - The Slub Yarn Slouchy

LOOM KNIT HAT Slouchy Beanie Hat - Slub Yarn Slouchy Beanie Cap. For the Hat , Cowl Loom Knitting

1550   126.1K
How to loom knit a flower (bloom looms) - very easy!

How to loom knit a flower (bloom looms) - very easy!

Now you can loom knit as many flowers as you like with this easy-to-follow tutorial! All you need are

121   11.8K
How to Knit the Crossed Cables Stitch {For the Loom}

How to Knit the Crossed Cables Stitch {For the Loom}

In this video tutorial, learn how to knit the Crossed Cable Stitch for the Loom. For more information

49   4.7K
Hooded Dress Loom Knitting

Hooded Dress Loom Knitting

A dress worked in Fair Isle technique with a hood . This type of fair isle can result in either pin

184   16.8K
Mock Crochet Stitch on the Loom

Mock Crochet Stitch on the Loom

Loom Knitting Stitch the Mock Crochet - It's like a Fake Crochet but easier because it's on the loom.

243   20.9K
Drop stitch on knitting loom. poncho

Drop stitch on knitting loom. poncho

Tutorial: How to make the drop stitch on a round knitting loom. Easy pattern, + beginner. English

559   43.1K
LOOM KNITTING Case for Pencils Glasses Hooks | Round Loom 24-pegs | Loomahat

LOOM KNITTING Case for Pencils Glasses Hooks | Round Loom

How to loom knit a pencil case. This project pattern is beginner easy and can be adjusted for a lot of

686   23.4K
Loom Knitting: Popcorn Stitch

Loom Knitting: Popcorn Stitch

Happy Knitting! Hope you enjoyed! HOW TO KNIT:  ...  CRAFTSY:  ...  WEB:

113   20.1K
Zippy Loom - Hooded Pixie Cowl

Zippy Loom - Hooded Pixie Cowl

Learn to knit a hooded cowl on a loom. Complete step by step process. Knitting made easy and super fast

702   73.1K
Halloween Hat with vertical stripes on KnitUK Knitting Loom. Children's Size

Halloween Hat with vertical stripes on KnitUK Knitting Loom.

 ...  - Halloween Hat with vertical stripes in two colours using KnitUK Round Red Knitting

148   13.4K
Adding a Garter Ridge Edge to a Blanket with a Knitting Loom

Adding a Garter Ridge Edge to a Blanket with a Knitting Loom

This video shows you how to add a garter ridge edging to a blanket using your knitting loom. See all

578   39.5K
Entrelac on Knitting Loom part 4

Entrelac on Knitting Loom part 4

Fourth part of a tutorial for knitting entrelac on a loom. Third row and third side triangle

79   4.2K
DIY How To: Loom Knit a Hat (with long loom)

DIY How To: Loom Knit a Hat (with long loom)

Knitting a hat with a long loom. Also learn how to make a pom pom for tops of hats.

149   32.5K
Loom Knit Sock Boots on a Round Knitting Loom

Loom Knit Sock Boots on a Round Knitting Loom

Loom knit adult long sock boots. Easy step by step instructions . Great project pattern for beginners.

814   35.2K
How to increase and decrease row sizes with rainbow loom bands pics.part1

How to increase and decrease row sizes with rainbow loom

How to increase and decrease rows in rainbow loom band looming on a knitting board, knifty knitter ,

18   2.8K
Crocodile Stitch or Scallop Stitch on The Loom

Crocodile Stitch or Scallop Stitch on The Loom

Loom Knitting my version of the Crocodile Stitch or Scallop Stitch. This stitch is different than the

Loom Knit: Stretchy Bind Off no crochet or needle

Loom Knit: Stretchy Bind Off no crochet or needle

Loom Knit: Stretchy Bind Off no crochet or needle. This was done at the end of my reveiw for the

236   33.8K
HOW TO LOOM KNIT - Basic Loom Knitting for Beginners 101

HOW TO LOOM KNIT - Basic Loom Knitting for Beginners 101

Loom Knitting 101 . EXCUSE THE SLIP KNOT COMMENT. Old video : ). But this is still Basic Loom Knitting

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